Aku ni baru je dapat info dari kengkawan kat opis yang konon nye ada kisah sorang remaja membunuh diri di Area Cheras...Nama tempat macam familiar sebab sebelum ni aku pon pernah tinggal di Cheras dekat dengan Ketumbar Height...
Alviss Kong seorang yang berusia 22 tahun ini membunuh diri kelmarin (9 Dec 2010) dengan terjun dari bangunan dari tingkat 14, Ketumbar Height Cheras di antara jam 8-9 pagi hari berikutnya...
Yang sadisnyee...Alviss Kong ini telah meninggal kan nota² dan status dalam Face Book miliknya sebelum ia membuat keputusan bunuh diri....

Tapi...It's tragic ending and agak sedih juga sebab sebuah cinta,Alviss Kong dah terkorban..semoga keluarga beliau tabah dan sabar dengan dugaan sebegini...R.I.P Alviss Kong....
Ni sebahagian nota² terakhir untuk gF dia yang di kenali sebagai Xu Xing's sebelum dia terjun dari tingkat 14...
Chinese version:
Question: You gave me the merciless ... tremendous lack of heart
"Xu Mingbin
In your world ... What is love?
I threw everything to save you .... but you can be ruthlessly pushed me again and again
You say you love me .. you said you did not ... you just do not want a change .... no matter how I do not want to do the ... .. is not a
Desperate ... you really gave me a tremendous lack of heart to break his
Silly, right ..? I feel stupid ... I said i love u. .. i said it i meant it ... i'll love u till the moment i die
Now I have to say ... I want to help himself to be a break
.. But not completely because you are in my world ... .. and you really only love is my favorite person
Thank you for today .... in the cinema in the last memories of your subjects to embrace it all .. I think the feeling is coming back
Just did not think ... .. you still stick to the last decision you
You've changed ... you said you still love me ... but I find that you do not feel love with them
I can not afford ... love ... love .. I have two myself as do not know what to get ...
I regret that .... since the last day .. and you do not the opportunity to send you home to me ... Forget it ...
The future will no longer have this opportunity because when you read these ..... .. I have passed away after
Love you .. but .. I can not understand this with you in 4 months ... is the happiest of my life
Let me be your timeless ...."
devil bin this is the way how i love,perhaps ppl will think it was crazy
i've never tried to put down my pride my dignity my ego-ness on my first ex...but u were totally diff,i put down my pride my dignity my every shit
just to beg u....but i failed...as always im just a failure in a relation
but that's just me,i'll only do the things which i think its worth...
will i became ur memory forever ? who knows..since u were already special when the first sight i saw u...
perhaps,u'll just fucking laugh at me...i bet there's plenty of ppl will laugh too =) but who cares ?
that's just me...that's the way i are....
the last thing
i do appreciate everything about us....u were the light in my life..u given me determination for my future...but everything is gone...i don't blame u actually...
because 爱情是自由的 ~ so just wish u'll have ya happy life in d future
ILY & IMY ~ sorry that i couldn't brings u to walk until the end of the day
希望你会记得在你的生命中...曾几何时有个一个那么爱你的人出现过 <3
P/S : Please do not blame her....Im the one who decided this..she's just the one given me the motivation n courage.....to my FAMILY,please..i beg of u all,dont ever blame on her...
sigh... thats why we have religion, so we dunt do stupid things like this.
look at that..its so dumb!its juz for lurve n not for something larger troubles..i have nothing to explains bout thz act...dont put ur mind in something worst...its not worth.nop!.
manusia semakin lemah mentalnya..
@Apisometres : betoi tu bro...setiap agama ada larangan bunuh diri...mungkin dia kurang iman pada agama dia...^^
@Biskut : kisah nye macam dia ada utang along berjuta²...decide untuk bunuh diri...aduss...>,<"
takbleh ar dgr citer camni..
semakin takut dgn cinta manusia.. mahu raih cinta ilahi..
ya tuhan, teguhkanla kasihku padamu.. aminn..
@Irnie : betul tu Irnie...taksub dengan sesebuah perchentaan...kurang iman...macam ni lah jadik nyer...mintak di jauhi dari kacang dan sekeluarga...^^'
kisah yg sadis..macho ape muke si alvis ni..jd model pun laku..aduiii sygnye...kacang jgn tiru dier taw
alaaahaiii...speechless aku..
keciknyer hati dia neh...
lembut mcm agar2.. (speechless konon ;p )
@Ikah : ehhehe...tak de nye nak tiru...pernah kecewa gak..tapi banyak buat feedback yang positif...cuba mind tu kita setkan positiv...Insyaallah...elok2 belaka...^^
@Cik Shijun : jambu kan muke dia...ada value tu...tapi hati kering bab² nak terjun bangunan...huhuhuuh...>,<"
sayangnya~~ muka jambu gitu ramai la yang nak.. ini la akibatnya terlalu ikut perasaan.. apa pun semoga dia rehat dengan aman..
hehe.. xtau nak komen aper.. tu la masalah manusia zaman skrg.. huhu
bile kte akn syg kn diri sndri..
owg laen mati dengan maruah..
knpe kte nk mati sie2??
knapa die bunuh dri eh...xtaw pulak..huhu..
kalau dah membunuh diri tuh boleh membuatkan roh seseorg itu tenang di alam sana . aku pun nak ! bodoh betul la manusia yng macm ne . org lain bercinta gak tp xdela sampai nak bunuh diri. . konfem masuk neraka la bunuh diri ni sebb mendahului Allah . kan ajal di tgn tuhan . tidak halal manusia sperti utk msuk syurga.
Dia bunuh diri ke x bunuh diri ke sama ja kekal dalam neraka dah nama pun kapir..
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